Description: Parking Spots represented as a point location that a car can be placed for later. Parking spot refers to a spot in a parking lot or side road that one drops off a vehicle to return later. Inclusion of this layer is necessary for commuters and residents to be able to put their car for later. Details can be found in the attribute table of this layer.
Copyright Text: The Ohio State University Planning and Real Estate, Global Information Systems Facilities Information and Technology Services(GIS-FITS)
Description: The pavement marking lines delineate vehicular paths of travel along the roadway by marking the center of the road, lanes of travel, edges of pavement, etc. the pavement marking refers to the paint on the road much like signs just on the road. The lines refers to the path location the paint markings are at. Inclusion of this layer is necessary to know what rules pedestrians and drivers using the app must abide by for safety. Details can be found in the attribute table of this layer.
Copyright Text: The Ohio State University Planning and Real Estate, Global Information Systems Facilities Information and Technology Services(GIS-FITS)
Description: Areas that OSU legally owns and maintains. Inclusion of this layer is necessary to provide OSU infrastructure. Details can be found in the attribute table of this layer.
Copyright Text: The Ohio State University Planning and Real Estate, Global Information Systems Facilities Information and Technology Services(GIS-FITS)
Description: This layer represents general building roof prints for OSU buildings and some surrounding non-OSU buildings. Buildings shape is polygon. The Buildings refer to structures with a roof and walls.Inclusion of this layer is necessary to inquire where buildings, and fill in the map with different places people gather or reside. Details can be found in the attribute table of this layer.
Copyright Text: The Ohio State University Planning and Real Estate, Global Information Systems Facilities Information and Technology Services(GIS-FITS)
Description: The owner parcel is the extent of ownership or rights and interests. Details can be found in the attribute table of this layer.
Copyright Text: The Ohio State University Planning and Real Estate, Global Information Systems Facilities Information and Technology Services(GIS-FITS)
Description: Parking is represented in polygons often asphalt that has space for multiple cars. Parking refers to a parking lot or side road that one drops off a vehicle to return later. Inclusion of this layer is necessary for commuters and residents to be able to put their car for later. Details can be found in the attribute table of this layer.
Copyright Text: The Ohio State University Planning and Real Estate, Global Information Systems Facilities Information and Technology Services(GIS-FITS)